Peugeot concept car

peugeot concept car

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  • Innovation is written in Peugeot 's DNA and is remarkably expressed in the brand's concept cars. These one-of-a-kind.

    Энциклопедия автомобилей в картинках.  Peugeot 305 Prototype Peugeot 104 Coupe ZS+ Concept.

    История логотипа. Эмблема логотипа Пежо менялась несколько раз на протяжении всей истории фирмы. Однако основной символ компании – лев, никогда не исчезал с нее. Изначально, когда, Peugeot выпускало пилы и другие режущие инструменты, лев олицетворял прочность продукции, такую же как зубы льва.

    Большая база объявлений о продаже автомобилей Peugeot. Полная информация об автомобилях — фотографии, отзывы владельцев, характеристики и цены.

    peugeot concept car

    peugeot concept car

    Это часть гоночного характера и, как ни странно, хороший знак. Кнопка запуска двигателя и ряд переключателей расположились над лобовым стеклом Peugeot Onyx, на алюминиевой панели. Собственно, что мы и делаем. Доступность, качество и надежность!

    peugeot concept car

    peugeot concept car

    peugeot concept car

    peugeot concept car

    peugeot concept car

    Самые интересные концепт-кары Peugeot

    They display their talents and expertise by experimenting new materials, state-of-the-art designs and cutting-edge technology. Technical feats, perpetual innovation, technological challenges... Because the world changes at the speed of light, Peugeot has never stopped investing in the future.

    The brand adventures into unknown technological ground and propose concept cars integrating alternative energy sources. Listen Experiment Feel Watch. Creativity knows no limits. Different types of concept cars exist:.

    peugeot concept car

    Dream cars , like ONYX, which are not intended for mass-production,. Pre-series vehicles , which are frequently showcased in exclusive previews to announce the launch of a newcomer.

    Peugeot and its concept cars... The bare steel and sharkskin textile on the body come together in a straight line. With a spectacular design and innovative materials basalt, digitally woven textiles, etc. Peugeot Sport has developed a new hybrid plug-in petrol drive train. On board this prospective study of the PEUGEOT i-Cockpit, the auditory perception of the information takes the driving experience even further. Excellence : undeniable sturdiness and reliability, great mastery of diesel engines, suspension performance.

    peugeot concept car

    Emotion : highly-developed sense of design. Driving experience : unforgettable, incomparable sensations.

    peugeot concept car


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